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May 15, 2024 | Lopez Franco PLLC

Tips to Avoiding Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Injuries in Houston

It’s perhaps not a surprise that Texas has led the country in workplace accidents related to the oil and gas industry. In fact, it’s the leading cause of workplace deaths in Texas, according to the Texas Tribune. Statistics show that in the five-year span between 2014 and 2019, 219 workers died in oil and gas industry workplace accidents. Among the most severe health and safety hazards for workers in Texas are deaths related to plant and refinery accidents and oilfield accidents. Here are some others: 

  • Falls while working near wells or pipelines.
  • Asphyxiations due to toxic gas releases.
  • Electric shocks from faulty wiring.
  • Heat stroke from extreme temperatures.
  • Traumatic brain injuries due to explosions or heavy machinery accidents.
  • Crushing injuries from machinery rollovers.
  • Vehicle accidents while traveling to and from oil fields.
  • Burns from contact with combustible substances.
  • Exposure to hazardous chemicals.

Tips to Avoiding Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Accidents

Avoiding workplace injuries in the oil and gas industry, especially in a city like Houston, known for its significant presence in this sector, requires a comprehensive approach to prioritizing safety at every level. Here are some tips from a Houston personal injury attorney to mitigate the risk of injuries:

  • Robust Safety Training: Implement thorough safety training programs for all employees, including new hires and seasoned workers. This should cover proper handling of equipment, emergency procedures, hazard recognition, and personal protective equipment usage.
  • Regular Safety Inspections: Conduct routine inspections of equipment, machinery, and work sites to identify and address potential hazards promptly. Encourage workers to report any safety concerns they observe.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Stay updated with local, state, and federal regulations governing oil and gas operations. Ensure strict compliance with safety standards of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other pertinent federal and state agencies.
  • Proper Equipment Maintenance: Maintain all machinery and equipment according to manufacturer guidelines. Regular inspections and maintenance can prevent equipment failures that may lead to accidents.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Develop and regularly practice emergency response plans for various scenarios, including fires, spills, and medical emergencies. Ensure all workers are familiar with evacuation routes and emergency procedures.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Foster a culture of open communication where workers feel comfortable reporting safety concerns without fear of retribution. Actively encourage feedback and suggestions for improving safety protocols.
  • Promote Proper Ergonomics: Educate workers on proper lifting techniques and ergonomic principles to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Provide ergonomic tools and equipment where feasible.
  • Manage Fatigue: Implement policies to manage worker fatigue, such as limiting overtime hours, providing adequate rest breaks, and scheduling regular task rotations.
  • Safety Leadership: Lead by example, with management demonstrating a strong commitment to safety through their actions and decisions. Encourage employee involvement in safety committees and initiatives.

Contact a Houston Personal Injury Attorney

By prioritizing safety through these suggestions, oil and gas companies in Houston can significantly reduce the risk of workplace injuries and create a safer working environment for all employees. If you’ve suffered personal injury during your work at a Texas oil or gas industry workplace, contact Lopez Franco PLLC today.